
Adan Diid
Adan Diid is the current Chairperson of KUBSA. He is a third year student at the school of Business pursuing Bachelor of Commerce.
Vice Chairperson

Rukia Ali
Rukia is a third year student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology (IT).
Secretary General
Diid Wako Jaldessa
Diid is a third year student at the school of Business pursuing Bachelor of Commerce.

Jillo Guyo
Jillo is a 4th year student, School of Education specializing in English and Literature.
Organizing Secretary

Mohamed Adan Waqo
Mohamed Adan is a third year student in the school of Agriculture and Environmental Science pursuing Bachelor of Environmental Science.
Public Relation Officer

Stephen Roba
Stephen is a third year student pursuing Bachelor of Education (Arts). He is a Public Relations Officer for KUBSA.

Dansa Guyo Ali
Dansa is a second year student at school of Education taking Geography CRE. She is a Public Relations Officer for KUBSA.

Boru Wario Jattani
Boru Wario, one of our PROs, is a second year student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences.

Iliyas Ali
Iliyas is a third year student at the School of Health Science pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health. He is a PRO representing Isiolo County.